Monday, April 29, 2013

Something must be wrong when this earlybird gets up at 10am

I've been very very tired for the last few weeks, in fact, I was talking to a new co-worker a couple weeks ago and she joked about me being pregnant!  Little does she know that I'm working really hard on that, but not trying to get knocked up with my own...

A week ago I woke up with a terrible sore throat.  Naturally, I blamed a different co-worker who was sick the previous week and was working closely with me.  I had the same list of symptoms that she did.  I had a horrible sore throat and all I wanted to do was sleep.  She stated that she thought it might be strep throat and she got over it in 7 days without any antibiotics.  At day five I knew I needed to get on a antibiotic to help with my rock hard tonsils that were covered in white lesions.

I ran to a minute clinic and had a strep test done that came back negative, however, my tonsils were seriously infected!  She gave me an antibiotic and I started taking it right away.  I thought within twenty four hours I'd be feeling better.  Well, I did feel better when I was taking Ibuprofen with the antibiotic, but when the Ibuprofen wore off the pain came back and it felt worse.  I slept this whole nice weekend away.  I knew yesterday that I needed to see the ENT, and have someone other than Sister Karen, the Nun Nurse Practitioner, look at my tonsils.

Being in pain makes you do things that you may not otherwise do.  I was at the ENT clinic this morning right at 8:00 and walked in to see if they had an appointment.  :)  I love when things work out...They had a cancellation right away and guess who was ready to fill that spot?  ME!

He didn't even look at my throat before he told me that my tonsils needed to come out.  He listened to my history with all the troubles that I've had with them and after he looked he was certain they needed to come out.  I asked him if the infection was making me so incredibly tired.  "You could have Mono!!" he said.  I've been tested for mono a handful of times due to my chronic fatigue and It's always come back negative.  I thought having the test would be a wast of time and money, little did I know...   
The blood work came back within an hour saying I am positive for Mono!  Seriously, the conversation (joking on both ends) went like this, "Ben, I have Mono.  Who have you been kissing?"  He replied, "Just you, who have you been kissing?"  Laughing I said, "Just you, Babe!"  So it is, I have Mono and I now have to take a steroid to help with the inflammation.  They are going to call soon and schedule a tonsillectomy in about 3 weeks.

I kept my IP's and IARC updated throughout my crazy weekend and morning.  I'm thankful that we haven't started meds yet and even more thankful that we haven't done the transfer, but we're going to have to push it out another month (Start meds in June and tentative July Transfer).  I'm really sad, but we need to make sure I'm healthy and healed from the surgery before anyone starts meds.  I bummed!   

Friday, April 12, 2013


The plan for now is that I'll get on the Egg Donor's cycle starting in early May.  I'll keep you posted when my meds arrive.  Stay tuned for a picture that might frighten you!
Thanks for the support and encouragement.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Medical Testing

I received all of my information on Tuesday to go ahead and schedule my medical testing.  Both Ben and I  have to go through very in depth testing on communicable diseases, drugs, nicotine (I know this sounds funny for people who know me.  I've never ever tried a cigarette or been drunk in my entire life.  I may be the ONLY person in Stearns or Benton County to fall in this category), etc.  We need to travel to the cities to have the testing done, so we scheduled for next week Friday.  I was so excited to spread the news that some of you received an exciting text message with all of this info!

What do you get when you have a snow storm in April?  -A SNOW DAY 

The kid's school was canceled today due to severe weather in our area.  Ben decided that he'd stay home with the kids today and I went to work.  Thursday is my six hour day, so on my way home we decided that since the roads were clear we could head to the cities and have our testing today.  So the testing is complete.  Ben and I had to give six viles of blood.  Ben gave one urine sample and I gave two.  We were done in less than fifteen minutes!

I guess the next step is WAITING again...   

Sunday, April 7, 2013

1/2 Marathon

So, I thought we'd be farther along in this journey by now.  I didn't plan on running in the Earth Day 1/2 Marathon because I thought I'd be pregnant by now :(  I figured I'd better keep training just in case I'd be able to run it with my hubby, and today I officially signed up for the race.  I'm really excited to run one more race before we get the ball (or baby) rolling!  You're welcome to come and cheer us on at the race.  April 20th at SCSU.

I hope to hear back from Keely early this week on scheduling medical appointments for Ben and myself.  It sounds like we'll be into June before the transfer will happen.  I'm just ready when the time is right.