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This baby will always have a special place in my heart! I know he'll grow up and do great things. |
Yesterday was the big 20 week ultrasound. Of course my IPs were both able to attend this amazing event. Just as I hopped in my car the baby started moving like crazy. I seriously talked out loud to it, telling it that it had to keep moving so it's parents could feel it kicking when I got to the clinic. After a quick hug to greet my IPs, I laid in the back seat of their vehicle and both of them were able to feel their baby move for the first time! That was a pretty magical! I think all three of us were beaming from ear to ear.
The plan for the ultrasound was that none of us would find out the gender of the baby and the next day (today) would be a family reveal party to learn the gender. They asked the ultrasound tech if she would be able to e-mail or call the bakery to let them know if it was a boy or girl. Apparently those of us in the medical field would think that HIPPA would allow this to happen, and of course we were wrong. IP-A and IP-B both decided that I could find out the gender and call the bakery after the appointment. Before finding out the gender, I told them that my gut feeling was a girl and that I'll continue to call it a she and at the reveal party I'd vote girl, wear a "GIRL" sticker, and not tell a soul no matter what. That was not an easy task. It was pretty obvious when the tech got to the right area that it was CLEARLY a boy! I winked at the tech and kept my word. I didn't tell anyone!
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It's a BOY! |
Ben, the kids, and I were we were lucky enough to bring the guest of honor to the gender reveal party that my IPs had with both their families. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me that I would be greeted with overwhelming love and gratitude. I wasn't expecting to hear every single person say "Thank you!" I've never thought of the impact this child would have outside of my IPs. To be able to hug the grandparents, aunts, and uncles of this baby gave me a whole new perspective on being a surrogate, much like discovering the the amazing impact it's having on our children and community. I can't believe that I never thought in depth about how my IPs families must feel. It was a room filled with so much love for the baby in my womb. And this is one lucky baby! I always say how fortunate I feel to be matched with such an amazing couple, but now I feel even more lucky to be matched with these amazing families! They are truly awesome people.
As each person came into the party they were to pick a gender and wear a sticker with their guess. One uncle came in and asked what I thought it was and pulled a Ben, he picked the opposite because he remembered that I've never been right with guessing any of our kids genders. After we had a lovely pizza lunch it was time for a fun game of "What do the Old Wives Tales tell us about the gender?" I answered a bunch of old wives tale questions and came to the conclusion that we were split right down the middle on if it's a boy or girl.
My IPs cut into the cake right after the game. The cake was to have blueberry filling for a boy or raspberry filling for a girl. The fruit layer was so thin that it was really difficult to tell if it was raspberry or blueberry. I let them look hard and waited to see if they could figure it out, I heard them say "I think it's a girl"...then they looked at me and I had to tell them that IT'S A BOY! They tasted the fruit filling and it was blueberry! Sometimes things happen for reasons, and it was a good thing that I secretly knew the gender. Everyone seems to be really excited about this new baby boy :)
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