Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Signed Away my Womb

confidential photo with my IP's and our completed contract

I'm pretty sure it feels like its been years since I've first talked to my IP's.  This trip takes you on such a roller-coaster of highs and lows...Lows meaning the WAITING.  Today is the "official" marker of our journey together, because we finally signed our contract!!!  If you have ever bought a house then you know how many times you sign your name, it feels like you've signed your life away, now think about singing away your womb...

I couldn't have hand-picked a better couple to be matched with.  This is going to be AMAZING!            


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My sister in law just told me she has a friend who's sister is becoming a surrogate and told me to read your blog. I too am a first time surro in MN, and at the same agency as you. :) I am looking at my first set of IP's, an exciting time. I wanted to say congrats to you and your IP's for getting contracts signed and beginning your journey!!!

  3. Yay Heather!!! I'd love to hook up with you. My sister told me about you just the other day. I'll have my sister give your sister my contact information! SUPER EXCITING!
